August 2019

Intern Program

We started an official intern program. We've had interns in the past but now, we will be consistently offering Winter and Summer Internships at the farm. The internships will be centered, mostly, around our livestock. Jenna and Kendall both want to own livestock and run their own farms one day. So, their internships focused heavily on the animals. However, we are a tree farm involved heavily in the landscaping and architecture world. Depending on the season and the applicants' resume, each internship will be a little different. Please contact if you are interested!



We hosted two weddings this summer. The Willow Farm is a private, special place and we want to keep it that way but, we will start to have more events at the farm. For inquiries about tours, dinners, weddings or other events, contact:

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The Resident Artist

This piece is titled " Water Lane" by Alexander Rohrig. This was on view at Four Barrel Portola in San Francisco. If you want to understand what it's like to run a farm, this painting gives you a pretty good idea. Alex designed our new logo, the Pescadero magnets and our new cards. Alex and Leyla live on the farm together. Leyla runs The Willow Farm business so any event, willow or farm inquiries go to her! Alex gathers his inspiration from his surroundings and we love how he captures the feeling of our farm. Artistic inquiries:

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